Here you can read Special News to the editions of the free magazine Christian Psychology for Everyday Life.
- A survey: What explanations do we find for unanswered prayers?
The impression that God doesn't hear or answer my prayers easily leads to praying less or not praying at all. In a simple survey we asked some friends: If your prayer is not answered, how much do any of the response options presented here apply to you? Please enter your rating of the following ten options with a number from 0 to 6.
Here on the picture you can see the the options:
What is your answer? Read more here on page 7
There are some typical experiences that we find difficult to cope with and process and that will place a greater or lesser burden on our future prayer.
Here you can read more on page 12:
- Eileen reported: "As part of my counselor training, we had the “homework” of keeping a prayer diary for three months. There were four subtopics: Thanks, intercession, worship, confession of sins..."
- Don’t remain on your own – even when praying
Here you can read more here on page 99 in eM1:
- The next number in October 2024 will be: About our calling from God
- What explanations do we find for unanswered prayers? The impression that God doesn't hear or answer my prayers easily leads to praying less or not praying at all. In a simple survey we asked some friends: Read here page 7 in eM1
- The German Reformer Martin Luther challenge us!